Rush, Thread
LATIN: Juncus filiformis L.

Rush, Thread
Family : Juncaceae
Flowering Cévennes: 6 - 8 . Light: sunny. . Moisture: damp
Sample Cévenol GPS : 44°24.50' N 3°48.19' E
Status: Endemic; not under threat in this region
Habitat: (view in new page) :Key: Acid shallow bogs.Secondary : Peat bogs in transition between earth and water.

Jonc filiforme
Famille : Juncaceae
Floraison Cévennes : 6 - 8 . Lumière: ensoleillé. . . Humidité: humide
Exemple Cévenol GPS : 44°24.50' N 3°48.19' E
Statut : Endemique ; pas menacé dans ce région
Habitat : (s'ouvrir nouvelle page) :Clef : Bas marais acides. Secondaire : Tourbières de transition entre terre et eau.
Jonc filiforme
Juncus filiformis
Rush, Thread

(modifié de Coste, Flore de la France 1937) :

* Cliquer pour une clé simplifiée des joncs des Cévennes

20-40 cm, glabre, à rhizomes traçants [en ligne]; tiges filiformes, nues, finement striées, tenaces, à moelle continue
Écologie : (répartition d'après la flore) Marais et prés humides des hautes montagnes : Vosges; Alpes; Cévennes, Forez, Auvergne ; Pyrénées.
Répartition hors de France : Presque toute l'Europe; Asie et Amérique boréales.

Rush, Thread plant

(modified from Butcher, British Flora 1961):
NOTE: the French text is more complete and up-to-date

* Click for simplified key to the rushes of the Cévennes

Flower spray appears below stem tip ('bract' above, which is a stem-like leaf)
A rather stiff perennial with several terete, nearly leafless, slender stems 15-30 cm long, growing in more or less linear rows from a tough creeping rhizome. Stems slender, erect, very faintly striate, with a continuous pith
Ecology UK: (distribution according to flora) It occurs on the margins of lakes in the English Lake District and some places in Scotland, where it is uncommon.
Distribution outside France: ?

Carte (c.2023) grâce à Tela Botanica

Information & Carte (c.2023) France/International grâce à INPN

Fleurs : verdâtres, 3-8 en petite cyme latérale, [inflorescence subsessile], simple, lâche, placée vers le milieu de la tige ; périanthe à divisions lancéolées-aiguës ; 6 étamines, à anthères plus courtes que le filet ; style presque nul
Floraison France : Juin-août.

Rush, Thread flower

Flowers: about 3-5 mm diam., forming a rather dense, few-flowered head of about 7 flowers; longer bract about equalling the stem, sheath somewhat inflated; perianth segments straw coloured, lanceolate, sub-acute; stamens usually 6; style very short.
Flowering UK: Early June-mid July.

Feuilles : réduites à des gaines basilaires brunes et luisantes;

Rush, Thread leaf

Leaves: mostly reduced to sheaths or the uppermost with a short green blade.

Fruit : capsule subglobuleuse, obtuse, mucronulée, roussâtre, égalant le périanthe.

Rush, Thread fruit

Fruit: Capsule 1.5 x 1.3 mm, almost spherical with a short, mucronate tip, not exceeding the perianth; seed 0.4 x 0.2 mm obovoid, with a short, rounded appendage, finely striate and netted, light brown.